I have a script that queries multiple records from an external API and prints a new JSON string per record to stdout. I want a nice way to explore those results.
In the past, I’ve used jq
to format records as CSV and import them into
SQLite. Today, I learned about sqlite-utils from Datasette. It looks like it
does lots of cool things, but for today, I can pipe a list of JSON objects to
be inserted into a table on a database. If either the database or the table
doesn’t exist already, they’ll be created.
With my current script, each record goes to stdout, not as a list, but that’s fixable by slurping records into jq. This works well, as all of these events are streamable:
- print a record
- slurp it into jq
- import it to sqlite.
<script that streams json outputs> | jq -s | sqlite-utils insert my.db some_table -