
Andrew Womeldorf

Software Engineer

Python Poetry Updates

When updating poetry, make sure to update poetry’s dependencies in addition to poetry itself: poetry self update # updates poetry poetry self lock # resolves poetry's dependencies poetry self install # installs any dependency changes # maybe necessary poetry cache clear <cachename> --all This is not immediately evident to me. I had previously assumed that poetry self update would make sure poetry is as up to date as it can be.

Golang Upgrades and vim-go

After upgrading Go from 1.21 to 1.22 using mise, vim-go stopped doing things that I’m used to it doing automatically. For example, the plugin would normally remove the os import from this file, since it’s not being used: package main import ( "fmt" "os" ) func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, World") } The solution is to upgrade the binaries with GoUpdateBinaries. I had been chasing down mise, since this is a new tool in my belt, and thinking it had screwed something up.

Python Subprocess with Open Telemetry

I have a python service which has been running in an AWS ECS Task without issue. However, if I try to run it locally, the service would deadlock (hang, freeze, stop working…adding more terms for searchability, because I was having a heck of a time finding the right words to search for). My local machine runs MacOS, my container image runs Wolfi (Linux). (I also have a personal machine running Ubuntu, and I could not reproduce the issue on that either).

Online Tea Shops

In the last few months, I’ve been gifted some Onyx Coffee Earl Grey and a Hario tea pot. I have never liked bagged earl grey that I’ve had - no matter how long I steep it, it’s bitter. Yet, I absolutely love this tea, the way I’ve been brewing it in the tea pot. So I want to try more teas of varying type and quality, and see what else I like.

Curl OCI Registry

Today I finally took the time to find some info that I’ve wondered about for…too long. The Open Container Initiative governs the interfaces around containers. In particular, for today, I want to understand the specification for interacting with registries, like ECR. Hey, guess what? The OCI specs are all in github! Here are the API endpoints for a registry. The spec doesn’t appear to define authentication - only that it might exist.

Poetry Install to Directory

Simply put: pip install -r <(poetry export) -t out/ poetry export outputs a pinned version of packages in the same format as a requirements.txt. Package as a lambda function in Gitlab CI: # .gitlab-ci.yml stages: - package package: stage: package image: python:3.10 variables: POETRY_HOME: /usr/local before_script: - curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 - # install poetry - apt-get update && apt-get install -y zip # install zip script: - pip install -r <(poetry export) -t out/ - cp src/*.

AWS Lambda Containers - Shell

I am trying to run a shell script in AWS Lambda. I packaged it in a Docker image based on Alpine. The logs show that it runs fine, but the Lambda shows an error, even though my script exited with 0. This blog post was my key to understanding what went wrong. The docs page I had found mentioned the Lambda Runtime API, and how the container needs to implement that API.

Bash Looping a JSON List

#!/usr/bin/env sh # # Loop a JSON list and perform some action fakelist='["foo", "bar", "baz"]' echo $fakelist | jq -rc '.[]' | while read item; do echo $item done Handy dandy.

eSim for Travel Outside of the USA

We currently have our domestic phone plan through US Mobile. We have their unlimited plan, which includes a free 10GB of international data. Before traveling, we added a new eSim to our phone for the destination. It was so simple to setup, and worked great. Maybe worth noting that it only provided data, but what do we need calling and texting for? We can do all communication over the internet.

SQL Server Backup to Sqlite

I was interested in exploring NHTSA Vehicle Data without worrying about the limits placed on their API. They make available a backup of their MS Sql Server database as a .bak file. However, I don’t know Sql Server, and I don’t really want to learn it too much. Also, it’s not necessarily “fun” to run Sql Server locally on Linux. Here’s a pretty rudimentary solution I came up with. It uses Docker to run a Sql Server container.